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Friday, May 22, 2015

Wood Earth Year

Beginning February 19th of this year, we entered into the year of the Goat (Yi Wei).  This is a  Wood Earth Year. The 1st element (wood) symbolizes spirituality.  The 2nd element (Earth) symbolizes the physical world, the environment and the economy. Elements can be either in harmony or in conflict.
The year of the Goat is a great year for the arts, for relationship, and marriage.
The conflict between wood and earth may fortell earthquakes (which we've seen in Nepal.)
This is the time, during the year of the Goat, to set Noble Goals, make good decisions and be responsible environmentally and ecologically.  In terms of relationship, it is imperative for you to be clear, open, and very honest about who you are, and what you expect from one another.  This is all "Earth"....being grounded and planted properly so that your love will take root.  No more martyrdom, or lofty pride.  This is time to make it real, and "grow" the truth of your relationship, and what you need from it.
June is going to be your most memorable month.  Have a great week.