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Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Readings With Nancy
Working within another culture always enlightens me.  The difference in consciousness within humanity is insignificant.  Collectively, we are all beginning the transition into a less restricted way of life and freedom of thought.  There are new techniques that we have created to help us, collectively,  become more aware of each other (the Internet, instant photography through our cell phones etc.) but it’s much more than that.  We are beginning to understand that if all of us are enslaved, then, none of us are free.  We are beginning to understand how fragile, and how limited our time is here.  We understand that nothing lasts forever, except love and the forward thinking for each other’s well being.  We are beginning to see ourselves as one unit.  Even movies like “The Avengers” are letting us experience our reality as a collective entity as human beings.  We are here for the shortest time, and everything that we do is impactful.