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Monday, February 2, 2015

"Ego's Gossip"

Readings With Nancy

Listen to the "ego's gossip".  You know,  that running, subconscious dialogue that you have with yourself.  It's so subtle that we rarely get a glimpse of it, but when we do, we may be surprised to hear how nasty we tend to be with ourselves.  Do you hear yourself telling yourself to hurry, that you are lazy, that you are not beautiful, or sharp enough etc...?  It is time to re-train your consciousness, and all of the subtle layers of subconsciousness to hear the things that you deserve to hear.
You do make a difference, you are creative, successful,intelligent, and special.  You are everything that you need to be and so much more.  Train yourself to "CANCEL" the negative, constantly running, subconscious dialogue.  Let's go to work on asking for what we need, and expecting it to arrive right on time.
Have a wonderful week.
Readings With Nancy