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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Our Journey

Readings With Nancy

Our journey throughout our lifetime is all about growing and evolving Spiritually.  We came here, at birth, in order to experience a variety of challenges and situations in order to grow and evolve on the earth plane.   You are not your body, you are not your brain, not even your mind ...you are spirit.  You are a unique soul that has taken a body and incarnated to the earth plane for one reason and only one. Soul Growth.
In order to grow and learn, it is important to peel away those layers of conditioning that are forced upon us by society.  We need to remove all of the self-doubt, and self-imposed rules of control.  We need to open to our "inner guidance system".  Using your intuition every day is essential to being able to navigate through our lives.  Use your internal "GPS" and you will "KNOW" what you really want, know what you really love, and know what you came here to do in the first place.
Readings With Nancy