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Thursday, January 26, 2012


One of the most frequently asked questions about Tarot is how it is possible that set of cardboard picture cards could possibly reveal significant information about a person's life, their past or future.  Probably the best explanation is that of Carl Jung (1875-1961) a Swiss psychologist, originally a pupil of Sigmund Freud.His explanation was that Tarot has to do with "Synchronicity" which means "meaningful coincidence".  There is scientific evidence (cause and effect) that everything happens for a reason.  There is method behind Chaos.  There is a reason that out of 48 cards, the 7 that are drawn and laid out, actually completely apply to the question at hand.
Having lived in many cultures, I was always intrigued with methods by which different cultures used divination to find answers.   The Africans throw bones, the Italians, coins, the Chinese throw sticks, and we all know about the gypsies and their ability to read tea leaves.  This is not just crazy superstition.  These different techniques have proven to be correct, and valued by their cultures for a reason.  All divination...all dowsing works.  The key is to have the reader be authentic and intuitive enough to understand the symbols presented.   
Having worked with and studied Tarot for over 30 years, I must tell you that there is truth to the "synchronicity" of the spreads directed by the question.  For this reason, I have been teaching the use of Tarot cards for the past few years.  For the most part, this introduction to the cards will help you to better understand the readings that you receive.  Please let me know your questions.