Soulmate: A soulmate is someone that upon meeting, you will have an "instant" connection with. It's as though you have known each other for a long time, even though you've only just met. In fact, you probably have. You may have shared many lifetimes, joys, sorrows, love and forgiveness, and endless growth. You don't have to have a romantic involvement with a person to have a perfect experience of satisfaction, fulfillment, and deep connection. We don't just have one soulmate. We may even have more than one soulmate at a is more likely that we have a small group of souls that gets larger as we collect deep, meaningful experiences over many lifetimes. You may have a romantic partner, a child, and at the same time a parent and best friend...all soulmates in different ways. Always remember that we incarnate in groups, or clusters. Although it is not impossible to "meet someone entirely new",but, chances are that you have experienced at least one lifetime together before we begin a romantic journey with someone. Look for a feeling of "comfort", "instant understanding and connection. Remember that life can change on a dime and we need to believe in ourselves and project exactly what we want from a relationship. The shift is on.......
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