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Monday, August 29, 2011

The Winds of Change

I had every intention of going to Vermont this past week end....but, something caused me to switch gears and stay back in Connecticut.  I knew that the hurricane would be less than what we were prepared for somehow..and by the time the storm went over that much land it should have been pretty mild.  I never considered flooding.  My friend, a well respected Metaphysician, as well as a graduate from Harvard's Medical School, had just spoken to me the day before yesterday about the Winhall River.  We talked about the possibility of Winhall and a healing center involving The Red Fox, and The Winhall Market.  The energy was so incredibly strong right there. Water is of course the universal symbol for the unconscious.  A flood in that area can indicate being overwhelmed by unconscious material such as repressed emotions.  Floods are related to initiation....symbolizing in a dream about flooding, the destruction or a washing away of the old in preparation for something new.  I believe that that is what will be happening in  Vermont over the coming months.  A re-birth, re-building, repairing...For those of us who are connected with this area, I would love to hear what you may be thinking.