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Friday, November 28, 2014

Why Am I Here ?

Why am I here ?
Each of us has to learn what our mission is. Lots of stuff always seems to get in the way of what we really WANT to do.  We get side-swiped by the need to make money.  We have little troubles and major traumas.  We get sick.  The more frustrated that we become, the more out of sync our energy will be.  Sometimes, as Carl Jung once said, "You have to give up on the life you have, to get to the life that's waiting for you."  Why are YOU here?  What do you really love doing?  When you "Love" doing something, you are really good at it.  When you "Love" studying about something, learning it is fun, not a chore.  It's time to discover you.  Who are you?  What do you love doing, and what do you wish that you could do everyday, instead of what you may be doing right now.
Alpha Healing
Readings With Nancy